Pics & Trailer - New Post - Youse Fools

Kisses And Caroms Discussion Board: Pics & Trailer - New Post - Youse Fools

Vince (Vince)

Saturday, September 06, 2003 - 11:41 pm
Hello peeps. Woo Hoo I have peeps! I think?

I'm proud to say the trailer is done. It has been converted to web ready format and is ready to post. However you'll all have to wait and see it at the wrap party. I've also converted it to VideoCD's that will play in standard DVD players. Those of you who ask nicely (BEG) will get one at the wrap party.

Jay sent out an email about the wrap party (this Saturday) and about the contact list. If you didn't get one then let us know. I'm looking forward to seeing youse all.

TONS of new pictures are up. Here's a couple of my faves:
Daveed strokes his Gun.
I love Nicoles Smile.
Woo Hoo Nikki and I doing the Nasty, Eat your hart out Robert!
Again How can you not melt for this smile.

Have you all seen the new poster (sort of) graphic on the main page? I'm still toying with it, but I thought I'd pop it up and get reactions.


Tuesday, December 16, 2003 - 04:52 pm
Hey Vince,
Have you considered cutting together a new trailer?

I don't mean to sound like a prick, but it could use some help. It is the calling card for the movie after all.

I do commercials for a living and would be glad to offer some help if you like.

Vince (Vince)

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - 01:11 am
Dude, I'd love the help. I'll email you now.