What Equipment did you use?

Kisses And Caroms Discussion Board: What Equipment did you use?


Wednesday, December 03, 2003 - 05:43 pm
Besides the 2 DVX-100, what is your list of equipment used to make this movie?

Model numbers are nice too!

I really love to know how people record their audio? On one channel, two channels? Did you use DAT or directly to camera?

Vince (Vince)

Thursday, December 04, 2003 - 02:20 am
I'd have to look the invoice up for the lights, but...

We changed all the store bulbs out to 56k Chroma 50 aka Kinoflos
We had a basic 1/2 ton grip pack
1 4x4 56k kino
2 2x4 56k kinos

Sound was done by a friend. I don't know the brands, but the equipment was rented from Coffee Sound.

We pumped the mono mic into the camera's XLR and recorded on both chanels.

Our only mistake was, when you have a potentially loud scene you should set one pot to flat line and set the second pot 1 to 2 dashes under. This way you won't clip, as DV likes to do.

If you have soft sound, Keep the one pot flat and raise the second 1 to 2 over, depending on how soft.

DVX sound (24bit) is actually better then DAT (16bit) and it's one less thing to deal with.


Thursday, December 04, 2003 - 08:05 pm
When you go to edit it though, if you have one channel a little louder or softer than the other do you just pick one channel and they make that stereo?

In other words, for the most part you set the channels to the same level, but in some scenes, you leave some room in one channel just in case it's too loud.

But when time goes to edit the sound, do you just pick whichever channel sounds better and get rid of the other one?

Vince (Vince)

Friday, December 05, 2003 - 02:44 am
Yep, choose the best channel. You use one mic on a boom. It's mono split to two channels. So if you flatline both and use both, it's still mono. If you duplicate one it's still mono. Dialog is mono and in post you'll move it around and create a stereo track.